Opinion and analysis from a student at, what was, the 93rd best academic institution in the whole United Kingdom

Wednesday 19 November 2008

Western Pope Culture (sic)

I googled my name today, don't ask me why, and, guess what? Not only am I to be found here at the blog (eventually: entry 30, 000 or something) but I am also on the website of a nationally known chain of book-shops. I used to work at one of their branches and it was a great job. At some time in the distant past, they must have put up a number of my staff reviews on their website. Yipee! I am a reviewer of a kind at least; better than those Amazon saddoes, at any rate!!!

My only gripes are that the one at the top ("American Fascists") seems to have been copied up without my usual careful regard for grammatical convention (it wasn't me, I swear!), the reviews of 'Yes Man' and 'Let the Northern Lights erase your name' were not written by me but my good friend, Sarah and the word 'novel' is repeated in 'A Confederacy of Dunces' (although this was probably a heinous error commited by yours' truly).

One further point, Murakami does not make "buzzy references to western pope culture", as that would be very weird; although it would make a bloody good name for a band:

"Idolatry" the critically acclaimed new album from Western Pope Culture

Now read on: A review by N. F. Hampton

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An aspiring writer trapped in the never-ending suburbs at the edge of G. London