There are times when it is just nice to feel human! Today was one of those pleasant but subtly wearing, wearying days; a day in which there was neither time nor budget for eating. It was cold, too, and my nose went a different colour (red) from my face (white). When I got home and lay back on the sofa, it began to dawn on me that something was missing. With a shock I realised it was all my little, colourful characteristic bits; my human bits...
Sometimes all it takes to seize back one’s humanity is a twenty pence tin of beans and a cup of tea. It’s true that at other times it takes considerably more: medication, drastic upheavals in geography, even lobotomies but thankfully, today was not one of those days!
Opinion and analysis from a student at, what was, the 93rd best academic institution in the whole United Kingdom
About Me

- N.F. Hampton
- An aspiring writer trapped in the never-ending suburbs at the edge of G. London
Blog Archive
- Money
- The Islanders
- One more slap down from the arbiters of egotism
- The continual venture into the realm of rejection....
- Walter Mitty may have been on to something...
- Paisley, poetry and a vent of the spleen
- Degrees of Irishness
- Disillusionment with the Artform
- Humanity
- N.F. Hampton: A brief character sketch